Hundreds of schools are joining in, but more local ones are wanted.
A Newbury pub recently handed over a hefty cheque for £1,850 to a local children's charity.
The awards recognise those who have demonstrated outstanding community service.
A lane is closed on the A34 at the junction with the A4 this morning.
Former prime minister, David Cameron, has paid tribute to his late brother.
New discovery echoes West Berkshire's last stand against the Nazis
Permission has been granted to build 160 residential units on the disused site.
"I always felt that if Miles was here, everything was going all right."
The road will be closed next month.
Work to transform the former caretaker's bungalow are now complete.
An appeal against WBC's refusal of 32 new homes in Burghfield has gone to Public Inquiry.
The installation will support Newbury Cricket Club and the charities using its facilities.
The school is celebrating its all-time record with several successful Oxbridge applicants.
The upgraded full-fibre upgrade will bring enough speed to download an entire film in just four seconds.
David Cameron's brother is remembered for his 'selfless humanity' after dying from cancer.
It was a bridge too far for one HGV driver.
A Newbury centenarian has shared the secret to a long and happy life.
UPDATE: Police call for calm during ongoing search for two unidentified men spotted carrying a gun.
A traditional village pub has scooped up West Berkshire CAMRA's Pub of the Year award for 2023.
The Heritage Centre has made changes to its availability.