A drag bingo night, an accordion concert and a Santa fun run are just a few of the things going on in your area this week.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has announced the humorous new names of the vehicles within its fleet of sustainable pathway leaf sweepers.
Newbury MP Lee Dillon has announced that he will be voting in favour of the controversial Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill tomorrow (Friday).
A street artist has come forward to claim ownership of a new mural which recently appeared in Newbury town centre.
A terrible tragedy that took the lives of two siblings occurred in Wash Common over 130 years ago, and we’re still not sure what really happened.
Nominations are now open for the Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s 2025 awards.
The new landlords of a village pub are hoping to restore it to its former glory and re-establish it as “a proper country pub”.
Charges at a town centre car park have been raised by West Berkshire Council.
Trinity School has been recognised for its efforts in putting wellbeing at the heart of the school’s learning, teaching and leadership.
A Newbury man has been jailed after pleading guilty to seven counts of racially aggravated public order and one count of assault by beating.
Plans to build a brand new two-storey, eight-classroom block at a Wash Common primary school have been put forward.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has encouraged residents, organisations and businesses to have a say on its upcoming budget proposals.
The festive and final Woolton Hill and Highclere Village Market of the year is taking place at the end of this month.
One of Newbury’s most popular town centre pubs has once again won acclaim for the quality and standards of its toilets.
A teenager was nearly run over by an oncoming vehicle before his bike was stolen in a recent robbery.
The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning ahead of Storm Bert’s arrival in the district this weekend.
An extension has been granted on a partial house closure at a property in Newbury.
The mayor of Newbury has invited the town’s oldest residents to join him for a festive afternoon tea party.
Two people have been arrested on suspicion of assault after a man was bitten outside Boots in Northbrook Street.
Several Christmas markets are happening in your area this week.